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Simple Data Exchange Server over HTTP

The sidex provides a framework to host a minimal file server running on the Flask. The sidex server provides methods to fetch, upload, and delete files over HTTP. You can easily make your local files accessible on the network by sidex.


The sidex is available in the Python Package Index.

pip install sidex

Quick Start

Launching a server seems a good starting point to understand how the sidex works. The sidex provides a simple command-line functions to launch a server. The following command makes the files under the target directory available on the localhost:8080.

python -m sidex.server path_to_target_directory

The sidex also provides a command-line function to make a request to the server. The file named requested_file under the target directory can be fetched by the following command.

python -m sidex.client localhost:8080/requested_file

The fetched file is saved in the current directory.

Further information can be found in the following links:


The sidex depends on the following modules:

  • flask: a lightweight WSGI web application framework.
  • requests: an elegant and simple HTTP library.

Last update: January 26, 2022